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RECENT BACK-ISSUES From 1998 until its conclusion in 2008, The Entheogen Review was edited by David Aardvark and K. Trout. Print quality and layout of the publication was significantly improved and the publication's size was eventually doubled. As well, many more leading experts in the field of entheogens were consulted during each issue's production, essentially forming an ad hoc board of advisors, with contributions from folks like Terence McKenna, Rob Montgomery, Jonathan Ott, René Rikkleman, Giorgio Samorini, Dr. Alexander Shulgin, Daniel Siebert, Leander Valdés, and others. In many cases, these individuals also published original writings in ER, or been interviewed for the publication. Via the links below, you can browse descriptions of the Aardvark/Trout issues or the Jim DeKorne issues. |
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